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UBC Mourns Passing of Former Musqueam Chief Ernie Campbell

UBC Mourns Passing of Former Musqueam Chief Ernie Campbell

Ernie Campbell, for many years elected chief of the Musqueam Indian Band, passed away recently. Beloved by the students who rode his school bus every day and a respected leader, he will be missed.

UBC Classes Suspended on September 18th for TRC

UBC Classes Suspended on September 18th for TRC

UBC will be suspending most classes on the Vancouver campus on Wednesday, September 18th so that students, faculty, and staff may more fully engage with the National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Learn more about this historic event, the Commission, and why UBC is taking this extraordinary measure by visiting the […]

CSI: Cedar Science Investigators

CSI: Cedar Science Investigators

To unlock the secrets of B.C.’s past, Lori Daniels and her lab look deep inside some of the province’s longest living inhabitants – old growth trees. “We call ourselves CSI detectives … the Cedar Science Investigators,” said Daniels, a professor in the Faculty of Forestry who studies tree rings. Tree rings can tell you a […]

Two Professors Recognized by First Nations Community

Two Professors Recognized by First Nations Community

Two UBC Forestry professors were honoured by Keyoh holders at a “Dené ilhuna hooz leh” event in Fort St. James, BC on July 1st 2013. Professors John Nelson and Gary Bull are being recognized for partnering with the Maiyoo Keyoh Society to deliver a course on sustainable forest management. In the course, students work with […]

First Nations House of Learning Logo

Boracay Island, Home of the Atis and their Struggle for Land

Chaya Go is a UBC Anthropology student and works for the Assisi Development Foundation, Inc., a private non-profit organization in the Philippines which proudly supports the Ati community of Boracay Island in various development projects.

Protecting Land, Protecting People

Protecting Land, Protecting People

From Guyana to Vancouver, Janette Bulkan has built a career on protecting indigenous land rights and access to resources.

Supporting Students: as a Teacher, Volunteer, and Donor

Supporting Students: as a Teacher, Volunteer, and Donor

Since graduating from UBC’s first teaching class in secondary education in 1958, Thelma has demonstrated an overwhelming compassion for young people striving to better themselves through education. Her ongoing efforts as a volunteer and donor have opened doors for countless students.

Celebrating Diversity through Theatre

Celebrating Diversity through Theatre

“Among Aboriginal people, there is a prophecy known as the Eighth Fire,” says Vanessa Imeson, a fine arts student and recipient of UBC’s Aboriginal Fellowship Award, “it explains how different cultures must come together and impact each other in a positive way instead of fighting. The more we know each other, the better off we are.”

Student Profile: Kinwa Bluesky (UBC Law PhD Candidate)

Student Profile: Kinwa Bluesky (UBC Law PhD Candidate)

Kinwa’s research represents the culmination of many years of reflection on indigenous issues.

Advocate for Her People

Advocate for Her People

For former Chief Leah George-Wilson, law school was a natural choice.