Archived Stories

Chief Wilton Littlechild gives inaugural talk at UBC lecture series

Chief Wilton Littlechild gives inaugural talk at UBC lecture series

March 24, 2017 – Dr. Wilton Littlechild, Honorary Chief of the Maskwacis Crees and Commissioner with Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, was last fall’s inaugural speaker at the Global Indigenous Rights Lecture Series at UBC. The lecture, presented by UBC’s Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies in partnership with CBC Radio One and the Laurier Institution, and […]

UBC and First Nations Health Authority develop new chair position

UBC and First Nations Health Authority develop new chair position

March 17, 2017 – The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) and the University of British Columbia have created a faculty position dedicated to improving cancer outcomes and overall wellness among First Nations and Indigenous people. The chair will focus on the impact of cancer on the health and wellness journey of First Nations and their […]

Aboriginal grad on the value of a Sauder business education

Aboriginal grad on the value of a Sauder business education

March 10, 2017 – BCom Althea Wishloff found the support she received from UBC Sauder’s Ch’nook initiative gave her what she needed to secure a future in finance. The beginning Wishloff knew she had a head for math so assumed science was the logical route at university. But after a few months at UBC, the […]

Regions differ in Indigenous acknowledgement at Canadian universities

Regions differ in Indigenous acknowledgement at Canadian universities

March 1, 2017 – Acknowledgement of Indigenous lands, treaties and peoples vary at universities across Canada, finds a new study from the University of British Columbia, the first academic study of its kind. The study identified five different types of acknowledgement at universities in B.C., the Prairies, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic. These acknowledgements are […]

Program benefits Indigenous women experiencing violence

Program benefits Indigenous women experiencing violence

December 15, 2016 – Indigenous women face rates of violence at least four times higher than other women in Canada. UBC nursing professor Colleen Varcoe and her colleagues recently evaluated an intervention to determine what works best to improve the health of Indigenous women who experience violence, including partner violence. In this Q&A, she talks […]

Haida canoe installed at UBC

Haida canoe installed at UBC

November 24, 2016 – The Haida Looplex X canoe was recently installed in the UBC Faculty of Forestry’s Forest Sciences Centre atrium. The installation was formally announced during a ceremony for the event. The canoe is one of four fibreglass replicas of the famous “Lootas” (or “wave-eater”), a traditional Haida canoe, carved by the late […]

UBC alumnus creates new entrance award for Aboriginal students

UBC alumnus creates new entrance award for Aboriginal students

October 26, 2016 – “I think education is foundational for building a community, city, or nation,” says Barj Dhahan, UBC alumnus (BA 1983) and CEO of the Sandhurst Group, above. “Education leads to equality. It leads to opportunities for all.” Barj, who describes himself as “interested in a bit of everything,” comes from a family […]

UBC Farm’s Indigenous Health and Research Education Garden gets Musqueam name

UBC Farm’s Indigenous Health and Research Education Garden gets Musqueam name

October 25, 2016 – Earlier this month at a traditional ceremony, UBC Farm’s Indigenous Health and Research Education Garden received a Musqueam name, a pole by an Algonquin artist, and had a small boulder recognized as its place marker. The garden, like the campus itself, is situated on the traditional territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓-speaking Musqueam […]

Aboriginal High School Students Experience UBC Forestry

Aboriginal High School Students Experience UBC Forestry

October 24, 2016 – The Verna J Kirkness Education Program was founded in 2009, and was designed to increase the number of Aboriginal students in science programs. This past spring saw the first year of this program at UBC, with eight grade 11 students spending one week at the Faculty of Forestry working on science […]

UBC to build Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre

UBC to build Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre

September 13, 2016 – The University of British Columbia formally announced yesterday the construction of the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (IRSC). This $5.5-million building in the heart of campus will recognize the history and experiences of residential school survivors, and memorialize the thousands of Indigenous children who died while in attendance. VIDEO: […]