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Indigenous data sovereignty can help save British Columbia’s wild salmon

Indigenous data sovereignty can help save British Columbia’s wild salmon

Non-Indigenous scientists increasingly realize that Indigenous data are key to solving today’s environmental challenges. Indigenous Peoples have generated and cared for data for millennia, passing down knowledge through traditions like storytelling, art and language. This knowledge is crucial to Indigenous ways of life, including the sustainable stewardship of ecosystems. With partnerships between non-Indigenous scientists and […]

Impact Story: Indigenous research and engagement in the time of reconciliation – Part 2

Impact Story: Indigenous research and engagement in the time of reconciliation – Part 2

Universities have largely benefited from an extractive model of research on Indigenous communities. In decades past researchers would visit Indigenous communities to conduct their research, and publish their results afterwards — often without consulting with the community, providing a chance for review, or providing copies of the data or final publication to the community. This […]

Impact Story: Indigenous community-based research – Part 1

Impact Story: Indigenous community-based research – Part 1

Universities have largely benefited from an extractive model of research on Indigenous communities. In decades past researchers would visit Indigenous communities to conduct their research, and publish their results afterwards — often without consulting with the community, providing a chance for review, or providing copies of the data or final publication to the community. This […]

Indigenous Strategic Plan

Indigenous Strategic Plan

Updates on UBC Indigenous Strategic Plan developments

All Stories: 2010-present

This section contains Archived Stories from 2010 onward, along with Featured Stories from 2018 to the present.



Visit this page to learn about UBC-Musqueam relations.

Indigenous Events

Indigenous Events

Visit the Indigenous Events calendar to learn what’s coming your way.

UBC Library digitizes Indigenous language dictionaries

UBC Library digitizes Indigenous language dictionaries

As part of an ongoing effort by the UBC Library Digitization Centre and cIRcle, UBC Library is making Indigenous language dictionaries more accessible by digitizing these works and making them available through UBC Open Collections. “Within the province of British Columbia, there are 32 First Nations languages—eight are severely endangered and 22 are nearly extinct. […]

Strengthening STEM pathways for Indigenous youth

Strengthening STEM pathways for Indigenous youth

A look back at the early impacts of seed2STEM, an innovative UBC summer research program for Indigenous youth in B.C. As a child, Shana George always loved science class. But it wasn’t until she spent a summer during high school working in a UBC research laboratory that she realized the possibilities that could come from […]