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Crossing the threshold

Crossing the threshold

In a ceremony filled with culture and tradition, eight Indigenous medical students and two Indigenous midwifery students graduated from UBC’s Faculty of Medicine

Indigenous Units

Indigenous Units

Descriptions of UBC units with an Indigenous focus

UBC Press receives grant to support interactive digital publications in Indigenous studies

UBC Press receives grant to support interactive digital publications in Indigenous studies

The University of British Columbia Press (UBC Press) has been awarded US$490,000 (C$650,000) to undertake a 15-month research project leading to the design of a business plan and conceptual framework for supporting interactive digital publications in Indigenous studies. The new generation of digital publishing is moving beyond the “e-book,” to engage readers in more relevant […]

Open Letter: Reconciliation Pole vandalized on eve of second anniversary

Open Letter: Reconciliation Pole vandalized on eve of second anniversary

April 1, 2019 – Today is the second anniversary of the installation of the Reconciliation Pole, carved by 7idansuu (Edenshaw), James Hart, Haida Hereditary Chief and Master Carver. On this day two years ago, as many may recall, the event began with dark clouds overhead but then ended under a clear blue sky as the […]

Helping to preserve a language 1,200 kilometres from home

Helping to preserve a language 1,200 kilometres from home

January 17, 2019 – “My name is Gawagani. I come from the house of Gamlaxyeltxw.” Gawagani, or Vincent Gogag, is 1,200 kilometres from home, and has just finished speaking the Gitksan language for a group of students on a Wednesday afternoon. This is part of Gogag’s role as a language consultant with the University of […]