Experiential Learning

This page highlights some experiential learning opportunities that have an Indigenous focus or contain a significant amount of Indigenous content. These are in addition to the various opportunities at UBC to apply knowledge outside the classroom, as well as those that are normally part of a degree program.

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Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre

UBC students can participate in research, undergraduate and graduate-level credit courses, workshops and field trips at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, including some with an Indigenous-focus.
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Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning

Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning is a northern-led initiative delivering land-based, university credited educational experiences led by northern leaders, experts, elders and professors to engage northern and southern youth in a transformative curricula based on the cutting-edge needs of Canada’s North.

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Go Global

UBC’s Go Global offers programs that let you venture out into the world to meet people, build skills and gain perspective in a way that you would never imagine.  Opportunities include some with an Indigenous focus.

Take a chance!

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Haida Gwaii Institute

The Faculty of Forestry gives course credits for courses taken at the Haida Gwaii Institute for the Haida Gwaii Semester and Summer Session offered on Haida Gwaii. In addition to in-class lectures and course work, students also explore the island’s incredible natural environments, meet local experts and knowledge holders, and become immersed in the Haida Gwaii community.

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