Indigenous Programs

First Nations Languages BooksUBC is a comprehensive research university with a wide range of academic programs.

Below are academic programs, concentrations and learning opportunities specifically addressing Indigenous subject matter.

For a listing of courses with significant Indigenous content, visit this Xwi7xwa Library page.

Faculty of Applied Science

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Education

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Peter A. Allard School of Law

Faculty of Medicine

Extended Learning

Faculty of Applied Science

SCARP Indigenous Community Planning Specialization

Acknowledging Canada’s history of colonization of Indigenous peoples, and recognizing that planning has been a part of that process, SCARP’s concentration in Indigenous Planning seeks to empower Indigenous communities and community planners with the skills, capacity and knowledge to achieve their own aspirations for sustainable social and economic development. This is consistent with SCARP’s broader mission of working for sustainability planning through democratization.

ICP site

Faculty of Arts

First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program

The First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program is interdisciplinary, drawing on the strengths of scholars across the university, and organized around a strong and innovative core. The core curriculum of the program is dedicated to defining strategic approaches to theoretical and practical problems, and is anchored by a fourth year community-based research practicum.

FNIS site

First Nations and Endangered Languages Program

In recognition of the profound importance of First Nations languages and the cultural traditions they represent, FNEL offers courses in various Indigenous languages, develops educational materials, and conducts research on BC’s endangered languages. Students can pursue a Major or Minor in FNEL. The program operates in collaboration with First Nations communities and cultural institutions.

FNEL site

UBC iSchool First Nations Concentration

The UBC iSchool (Library, Archival and Information Studies) offers the First Nations Curriculum Concentration (FNCC), which is designed to prepare information professionals to work effectively with Indigenous communities in support of ongoing developments in Indigenous culture and languages, self-government, treaty negotiation and litigation. During their program of study, iSchool students enrolled in the FNCC develop a strong foundation in their chosen program (MAS, MLIS, or Dual MAS/MLIS).

FNCC site

Ways of Knowing Breadth Requirement

The Faculty of Arts’ new Ways of Knowing Breadth Requirement involves 21 credits and is a flexible and cohesive learning experience where students are encouraged to explore and understand how various perspectives shape their connections to the Indigenous lands in British Columbia and with each other.

Ways of Knowing Breadth Requirement site

Faculty of Education

Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP)

NITEP instructors & staff with Musqueam Elder Larry Grant.

NITEP is a Bachelor of Education program preparing persons of Indigenous ancestry to be educators. Presently, there is a shortage of Indigenous teachers in BC, while an increasing number of Indigenous people desire to become teachers. The purpose of the program is to build upon and strengthen the cultural heritage and identity of professionals in training.

NITEP site

Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education

Take this 6-Week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and engage with Indigenous knowledge keepers, educational leaders, and resources to enhance your understanding and knowledge of practices that advance reconciliation in the places where you live, learn, and work.

MOOC site

Master of Education in Indigenous Education

Master of Education in Indigenous Education students.

The Master of Education in Indigenous Education degree addresses policy, programmatic, curricular, and community/parental relationship priorities as they pertain to Indigenous education. The program is ideal for teachers, administrators, community educators, early childhood educators, and other professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge and professional practice in Indigenous education.

MEd in Indigenous Education site

Ts”Kel Program

An alternative educational program for graduate students of Indigenous ancestry, the Ts”Kel Graduate Studies program was originally designed to prepare First Nations people for the field of Educational Administration. Since then, Ts”Kel has expanded to include Educational Studies, Curriculum and Instruction, and Educational Psychology and Special Education.

Ts”Kel site

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Graduate Degree Programs

UBC’s broad range of faculty members with expertise in Indigenous areas allows graduate students in almost any program to focus their studies on issues important to Indigenous communities both in Canada and internationally. Many Indigenous students choose the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program, an ideal venue for developing the interdisciplinary approach to Indigenous areas of study.

ISGP site

Peter A. Allard School of Law

Indigenous Legal Studies

Indigenous Legal Studies works to enhance Indigenous people’s involvement in the legal profession by providing legal education relating to Indigenous issues and supporting the legal education of Indigenous students. Since 1975, hundreds of Indigenous students have graduated from the Peter A. Allard School of Law. Many of these graduates are now leaders who have helped to redefine First Nations legal issues in Canada.

ILS site

Indigenous Community Legal Clinic

The Indigenous Community Legal Clinic provides law students at the Peter A. Allard School of Law with the valuable opportunity to work in a legal clinic on cases with Indigenous clientele in Vancouver’s downtown eastside.

ICLC site

Faculty of Medicine

Indigenous Family Medicine

This program offers First Nations/Indigenous medical graduates, including those interested in Indigenous heath care issues, an opportunity to give special attention in their family practice residency programs to the challenging health care issues facing First Nations or Indigenous people.

Indigenous Family Medicine site

Extended Learning

Indigenous Health Administration and Leadership

This certificate program is designed to meet the learning needs of Indigenous administrative staff living and working in Indigenous communities, as well as those who are preparing to work in the field and who need knowledge and skills to provide effective administration for community programs. The program expands its focus beyond health delivery to include environmental and other community health issues.

IHAL site

Updated: April 12, 2024